Holmes SWCD with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, is happy to host one of eight portable logging bridges throughout Ohio. The Holmes County bridge is a 40 foot span, consisting of three (3) individual four (4) foot sections. Graciously, Yoder Lumber houses the bridge at their Buckhorn Facility where they will load and unload the bridge for renters.
Holmes SWCD is handling all of the rental agreements and scheduling. The specifics of the agreement are linked below, but reach out to Trevor Berger at Holmes SWCD today if this would fit into your logging plans.
Whether crossing a stream or in this case protecting a high pressure gas line, portable bridges are flexible.
Need to get those loaded log trucks in and out, over drainage, or even a bridge with a low load rating, our portable bridge is rated for a legally loaded semi.
If the Holmes County portable bridge is not available or your job is in a different area of the state, below are the other Districts with ODNR bridges for rent:
(Bridge stored at Ricer Equipment, north of Lucasville) 40’
(Bridge stored at Redbud International, near Albany) 30’
(Bridge stored at Superior Hardwoods near McArthur) 40’
(Bridge stored at Doll Lumber, near Southington) 30’
(Bridge stored at Superior Hardwoods, near Cambridge) 40’
(Bridge stored at Denoon Lumber Co, near Bergholz) 40’
(Bridge stored at Baker & Sons Equipment Co., near Lewisville) 30’