Holmes County farmers are vital partners in our conservation programming. Here are just a few of the conservation services Holmes SWCD provides for our agricultural producers:
Farmers understand that applying the right nutrients at the right time and right rate can save money and increase yields. Our office processes your soil samples and can make recommendations to help meet your yield goals. We even have soil probes and augers available for loan to assist you in collecting your samples. Soil samples may be dropped off at our office Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Call 330-674-2811, ext. 3 for pricing.
In cooperation with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, we encourage farmers to adopt practices that conserve soil and water resources and provide assistance several ways. Staff can survey, design and oversee the construction of a manure storage facility, waterway, sand infiltration bed, heavy-use pad, access lane, stream crossing, fencing, milk house waste wetland pond or system, or other practices. Cost-share money may be available through USDA-NRCS. Before designing a system, a comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP) must be completed. This plan helps producers utilize all the nutrients on the farm to their fullest potential, in some cases reducing the amount of commercial fertilizer needed. These services are available at no cost.
Are you looking for information about property you own, rent, or are looking to purchase? Soil Survey books are available at no charge from our office. Soil surveys can also be accessed online.
Our staff administer a cover-crop cost-share program through the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. Contact the office at 330-674-2811, ext. 3 for more information.
The Holmes County GIS website provides current aerial maps online. Our office also has historical aerial maps of the county from 1941/1942, 1951, 1958, and 1983. These maps may be viewed and copied in black and white at our office Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Our annual tree sale occurs in the spring. For 2025 we will be accepting orders January 3rd through March 10 with pick up on April 10 from 8:00 am until 5:30 p.m. at the Holmes County Fairgrounds. We offer a variety of coniferous, deciduous, and ornamental trees at reasonable prices. Click here to be added to our tree sale mailing list.
If you are planning a timber harvest, educate yourself on sale expectations and what should be included in a contract with your logger. Our office recommends hiring a consulting forester and filing a voluntary Forestry Pollution Prevention Plan (formerly Timber Harvest Plan) to lay out job parameters and ensures best management practices are considered. Also, check out the Call Before You Cut website for valuable timber harvest. Jake Peer with the ODNR Division of Forestry is the service forester for Holmes County. The Ohio Woodland Stewards Program is a great resource for education about woodland management and offers classes throughout the year.
Our staff also handle complaints about livestock waste and silvicultural practices, as outlined by the Ohio Pollution Abatement Rules and Standards, as outlined in the Ohio Revised Code 1501:15-5-01 through 1501:15-5-18. We work with landowners on a voluntary basis to correct problems.
Our staff administer several nutrient trading programs where various industries compensate farmers in specific watersheds for conservation efforts to improve water quality.