Looking for new ways to reduce erosion?
Try waterways!
Grassed waterways are a great practice to reduce gully erosion, thereby protecting nearby water sources and keeping valuable topsoil in the fields. They do this by slowing the water and conveying it to a stable outlet at a non-erosive velocity. The constructed graded channels are seeded to grass and are placed in areas where the flow of water concentrates and creates erosion concerns. Having the correct grade, width, and depth on the waterways is imperative to make sure the water is moving at the correct velocity and the waterway will serve its purpose. Holmes SWCD can assist landowners and producers by designing this practice. There may also be cost-share funds available with the Farm Service Agency’s Conservation Reserve Program. They are providing significant cost share amounts if eligibility is met, including row cropping history for four years between 2012 and 2017. If gully erosion is a major concern, a grassed waterway may be the practice to meet that concern. There will be a field day at newly constructed waterways in mid-August. This is the perfect opportunity to take a closer look and ask questions about the design and cost-share programs. Questions, email Darby Sherman at dsherman@co.holmes.oh.us, or call at (330) 600-3105.