You asked for variety, so we’re doing our best. This year we are offering two (2) different tree tube options for sale. Protect those trees from all the critters that look to munch away. Each has their own nuance and everyone has a preference. The links below will take you to each supplier’s website for more information, but remember if you want the bulk purchasing power of a Soil & Water Conservation District order yours with your tree Seedlings today.
All tubes will be available or delivered (depending on your selected option) with your tree seedlings April 3rd.
Placing Plantra Grow Tubes at Harvest Ridge.
Plantra SunFlex Grow Tubes
Holmes SWCD is offering a 58” Sunflex Grow Tubes with Trunk Builder fiberglass Stakes. Each unit comes with the tube, stake, ties and bird net. Stake drivers are available to check out when you pick up your tubes.
These tubes are square and come folded flat. Installation is as easy as stake, fold, tie and place the bird net to keep the wildlife damage down.
Product Image from
Tree Pro Tree Protector
Holmes SWCD is offering a 60” TreePro Tree Protector with a white oak Stake. Each unit comes with the tube, stake, zip ties and bird net. The white oak stakes will require a post driver or hammer for installation.
These tubes ship flat, unrolled. Installation is as easy as stake, roll, tie and place the bird net to keep the wildlife damage down.