Holmes Soil & Water Conservation District 2025 Tree Sale

Planting Trees for Conservation Today, Growing Tomorrow!

Tree Pickup: April 3rd from 8:00am - 5:30pm at Harvest Ridge

Well it’s been a fantastic sale with over 13,500 seedlings sold, including nine (9) species that we SOLD OUT - American Chestnut, Scotch Pine, Domestic Apple, Paw Paw, Persimmon, Red Mulberry, Redbud, Sugar Maple and Norway Spruce. 

We also we able to supply over 1500 tree tubes, to keep that wildlife at bay. We still have a few of two (2) different types of tree tubes remaining if you’ve changed you mind and want to add them.  You asked for variety and we’ve done our best to deliver.  If you want more information about each of the types, see the link to the left for each of the producers websites, however, order from our tree sale and get the bulk rate pricing we are able to obtain.

We are always looking ahead, if you’ve got a tree species that you’ve been itching to get and didn’t see, let us know, we are always looking to keep the list fresh and still maintain those species everyone wants.

Click Here for the tree species descriptions. And check out one of the easy guides to the left if you have questions about spacing, planting and more.


Left (in the Plantra tree tube) is a White Oak, Right a “Red Buckeye” (this is a lab variety but we’re selling the tree variety too!)