Crisis Policy

The intent of this policy is to assist the District in maintaining operations during times of crisis situations. Crisis situations include natural disasters, violent crimes, health threats, civil disturbances, or other significant events that threaten the well-being of District employees, our facilities, or visitors to District facilities. A crisis situation determination will be made by Federal, State or local officials, or by consensus of three out of five District board members. In the event that a crisis situation occurs, at the discretion of the Program Administrator, extended work at home hours may be granted. The extension of this benefit will be determined on a case-by-case basis and subject to change at any time.

In addition to approved work from home hours, the Program Administrator, upon approval of the District Board or explicit direction of state or local authorities, has the ability to grant leave without pay (LWOP) for staff low on leave hours once other options of operating are exhausted or otherwise directed by authorities. The current definition of low leave hours is less than 80 hours of sick leave and annual leave combined.