A. Policy. The District is committed to providing a facility that is safe and free from unlawful discrimination and harassment. Unlawful discrimination or harassment is behavior directed toward an employee because of his/her membership in a protected class such as: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, genetic information, or military status. Unlawful discrimination and harassment is inappropriate and illegal and will not be tolerated. All forms of unlawful discrimination and harassment are governed by this policy and must be reported and addressed in accordance with this policy.
B. Definitions. Unlawful discrimination occurs when individuals are treated less favorably in their employment because of their membership in a protected classification. An employer may not discriminate against an individual with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, such as promotions, raises, and other job opportunities, based upon that individual’s membership in that protected class. Harassment is a form of discrimination. Harassment may be generally defined as unwelcome conduct based upon a protected classification. However, harassment becomes unlawful when: 1. Enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment. 2. The conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
C. Examples. Sexual harassment is one type of unlawful harassment. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: 1. Submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment. 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual. 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Harassment on the basis of an employee’s membership in any protected classification (as set forth above) is unlawful, will not be tolerated, and must be reported so that the District may investigate and take appropriate action. 4. Unlawful discrimination and harassment does not generally encompass conduct of a socially acceptable nature. However, some conduct that is appropriate in a social setting may be inappropriate in the work place. A victim’s perceived acquiescence in the behavior does not negate the existence of unlawful discrimination or harassment. Inappropriate conduct that an employee perceives as being “welcome” by another employee may form the basis of a legitimate complaint.
D. Off Duty Conduct. Unlawful discrimination or harassment that affects an individual’s employment may extend beyond the confines of the workplace. Employee conduct that occurs off duty and off premises may also be subject to this policy.
E. Workplace Romances. To avoid concerns of sexual harassment, preferential treatment and other inappropriate behavior, employees are required to inform the Program Administrator if they currently are, or if they intend to become, romantically involved with a co-worker. Such relationships are not necessarily prohibited, but must be appropriately addressed. Should the District determine that a conflict exists between an employee’s employment and a personal relationship with a co-worker, the District will attempt to work with the employees to resolve the conflict. Should operational needs prevent resolution, the relationship must cease or one or both of the parties must separate from employment. Supervisors are expressly prohibited from engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with any employee they directly, or indirectly, supervise.
F. Complaint Procedure. Employees who feel they have been subject to unlawful discrimination or harassment by a fellow employee, supervisor, or other individual otherwise affiliated with the District, as outlined in paragraph J below, shall immediately report the conduct, in writing, to the Program Administrator or chairman of the board of supervisors, each of whom shall have the authority and responsibility to work directly with CORSA HR Helpline Attorneys to investigate and take appropriate action concerning the complaint. Similarly, employees who feel they have knowledge of discrimination or harassment, or who have questions or concerns regarding discrimination or harassment, shall immediately contact the Program Administrator of the chairman of the board of supervisors. Late reporting of complaints and verbal reporting of complaints will not preclude the District from taking action. However, so that a thorough and accurate investigation may be conducted, employees are encouraged to submit complaints in writing and in an expedient manner following the harassing or offensive incident. The Program Administrator or Board Chairman is required to follow up on all claims or concerns, whether written, verbal, or witnessed, regarding unlawful discrimination and harassment. Although employees may confront the alleged harasser at their discretion, they are also required to submit a written report of any incidents as set forth above. When the District is notified of the alleged harassment, it will timely investigate the complaint. The investigation may include private interviews of the employee allegedly harassed, the employee committing the alleged harassment and any and all witnesses. Information will be kept as confidential as practicable, although confidentiality is not guaranteed. All employees are required to cooperate in any investigation. Determinations of harassment shall be made on a case-by-case basis. If the investigation reveals the complaint is valid, prompt attention and action, which may include discipline, designed to stop the harassment and prevent its recurrence will be taken.
G. Retaliation. Anti-discrimination laws prohibit retaliatory conduct against individuals who file a discrimination charge, testify, or participate in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit under these laws, or who oppose employment practices that they reasonably believe discriminate against protected individuals, in violation of these laws. The law also prevents retaliatory conduct against individuals who are close personal friends or family members with an individual who engaged in protected conduct. The District and its supervisors and employees shall not in any way retaliate against an individual for filing a complaint, reporting harassment, participating in an investigation, or engaging in any other protected activity. Any employee who feels he has been subjected to retaliatory conduct as a result of actions taken under this policy, or as a result of his/her relationship with someone who took action under this policy, shall report the conduct to the Program Administrator or Board Chairman, or Holmes County Human Resources immediately. Disciplinary action for filing a false complaint is not a retaliatory act.
H. False Complaints. Legitimate complaints made in good faith are strongly encouraged; however, false complaints or complaints made in bad faith will not be tolerated. Failure to prove unlawful discrimination or harassment will not constitute a false complaint without further evidence of bad faith. False complaints or dishonest statements are considered to be a violation of this policy.
I. Corrective Action. If the District determines unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation has taken place, appropriate corrective action will be taken, up to and including termination. The corrective action will be designed to stop the unlawful conduct and prevent its reoccurrence. If appropriate, law enforcement agencies or other licensing bodies will be notified. Any individual exhibiting retaliatory or harassing behavior towards an employee who exercised a right under this policy, or who is a close personal friend or family member of someone who exercised a right under this policy, will be subject to discipline, as will any employee who has knowledge of unlawful conduct and allows that conduct to go unaddressed.
J. Coverage. This policy covers all employees, supervisors, department heads and elected officials. Additionally, this policy covers all suppliers, subcontractors, residents, visitors, clients, volunteers and any other individual who enters District property, conducts business on District property, or who is served by District personnel.